My Next Move

I wanted to write about what I've been thinking recently.

After buying zcash for 5 years with no reward, and seeing every other coin outperform my investment, and seeing my bitcoin value shrunken by 98% on zec/btc, I'm crushed and have decided to move on.

People will tag me on twitter and say "tmek gave up on zcash".

This is not true.

I still have my zcash.

When it goes up I will be rewarded.

However its just time to buy new things.

So to the point of this article,

The opportunity cost is too great to be only in 1 basket.

How will I ever make it back?

I can't think about that.

It will cause analysis paralysis.

Therefore I do not think, I act.

I sit in silence and let my mind be open to passing thoughts. These thoughts are not my own, I am simply observing them. If they are not my own thoughts, maybe they belong to other people.

Do you know how you think?

I don't. We just do-it. Instinctually.

We think these are our own thoughts, but we do not possess them.

Our minds are like ripples in a pond, interference patterns begin forming.

People are mad about ETH gas fees, liberal environmentalists are lobbying against crypto mining, there's a big push to "green cryptos". Proof of stake is where ETH wants to be. Zcash wants to be proof of stake also. Good for the environment is good marketing.

So earlier when I said its time for me to buy new things, I was talking about Tezos.

It has everything the market wants right now. Smart contracts, NFT's, defi, staking, decentralized governance, cheap fees, a scalable L1. wide adoption (almost every exchange) large volume, and cheap price (small market cap compared to other L1's). Recently, Tezos has been getting mainstream attention because of Tezzard's(a NFT project) which was recently purchased by Mike Shinoda a member of linkin park who talks about it on twitter, among other famous influential people. Most importantly, daily contract calls are growing exponentially. Getting close to the amount ETH is doing per day. People are *USING* the network. Whitepaper in 2014, launch in 2018, reached a low of 30cents in the bear market, currently its $6.64, with an all time high of $12.60 in Nov 2017.

So for my own portfolio based on all of these factors and the fact it is still in accumulation(no new ATH), I think it is undervalued. After seeing the rise of ETH, SOL, ADA, AVAX, I feel like tezos is either next or will follow. Not financial advice.
